Wednesday, April 3, 2013

This. Happened.

This morning was one of the craziest mornings of my life…

I woke up late. And proceeded to decide that I still had enough time to shower (I didn’t). I was throwing on a tank and some leggings when my phone started to buzz (the camera flash also goes off when I get a call or text, which is pretty darn sweet).

So my phone was blinding me, I should have left more than ten minutes ago, and I answer. (Side Note: Who calls a college student at 8:50 in the morning, especially one who has a class in fifteen… make that fourteen minutes.)

I answered the phone; “You have won a FREE (hang up - dial tone)” LIES. When a fake-robot-creepy sounding voice tells you you’ve won something over the phone, it is the opposite of legit. When a fake-robot-creepy sounding voice tells you you’ve won something in real life… You’re probably about to get axe murdered. 

Twelve minutes… I throw on my backpack and run out my door, literally RUNNN. And not only do I run out my door down my stairs, I trip, I fall, I was Humpty Dumpty after the wall. That wasn’t pleasant, but at least no one saw me; that I know of (maybe the fake-robot-creepy sounding voice person did, and he… or she… probably decided that I was to ditzy to axe murder).

Eleven minutes… I climbed into my Explorer. My butt was burning, BUT I had to go to class today (we have an exam on Friday).

Six minutes… Somehow the usual ten-minute drive to campus only took me five. I threw my car in park and speed walked (like an Olympian) to the FACS building.

Two minutes… I walk up the stairs to my building. I was going to make it… but wait, it’s a wee-bit colder than usual. I look down. Oh NO… WHERE ARE MY SHORTS?!?? Yeah, I’m one of “those girls” who wear shorts over their athletic leggings. YES I had leggings on, but NO that wasn’t the original game plan for the day (I was super awkwardly uncomfortable). 

One minute… I slide into class, and take my seat panting. Made it.

This morning would have been crazy, except NONE of this actually happened. 

I had the most quant and quiet morning of my life. I woke up early, showered, put pants on (that's a win in itself), and had time to meet my friend at the dinning hall for breakfast. It was SUPER NORMAL. I almost wish I actually had a crazy morning like this one, cause it makes a great story.. (I know you think it does). 

But DON'T FRET; I sometimes truly lead a partially ungraceful life. Something extremely similar to this actually happened to me a few weeks ago. 

Enjoy this picture of a bike I took last night (yeah, yeah, I truly did take this picture yesterday).


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