Thursday, April 18, 2013



I've been a little study bee lately, which is the opposite of fun, but I'll be half way done with college in T-minus 13 days! YAY! It is still shocking how fast these past two years have flown by, and I'm so blessed by all of the wonderful friends that I have made over the past two years! 

In other news... how 'bout dem BRAVOSSS! Y'all I am a HUGE baseball fan, specifically a huge fan for the Braves (if you couldn't already tell by my use of "y'all"). They are literally the best stinkin' team out there (and I can say literally because they actually have the best record right now). I like them so much I procrastinated studying for finals last semester by creating a new background for my computer representing my love for my hometown team.

Speaking of procrastinating... I've decided to make of list of all the things I can do to procrastinate for my finals this semester, so that I'll be a more efficient procrastinator.

1) Re-watch the entire series of scrubs (because I have done it twice before)
2) Write a few more stinkin' awesome blog posts
3) Buy google-ly eyes (from a craft store) and glue them onto random objects to make them look like faces
4) Have a solo dance party
5) Go on Pinterest for a little bit (and "accidentally" spend five hours looking for an easy craft to do)
6) Clean my room (hahaha...)
7) Start packing for the summer
8) Farkle on my phone (yeah it's a real thing)
9) Doodle and color a coloring book (because you are never to old to do that)
10) Google better ideas for procrastination
11) Paint my nails, mess one up, and start the process all over again
12) Play a lot of sporcle quizzes (they are intellectually stimulating - right?)
13) Watch a few youtube videos
14) Make a birthday list (a casually post it up somewhere so people buy me things)
15) Watch the braves game

Wait... I'm watching the Braves game right now... and I should probably be studying. I guess this list is really working. That's a relief. 


P.S. -- enjoy this beautiful face...

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