Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Smash (adj.) - of, relating to, or constituting a great success

Someday I want to be a SMASH hit on some super cool satellite radio station (lehz be honest, in a few years normal radio won't exist). I don't want to be some silly "one hit wonder" 

And no, I don't want to be a ligament song. (then I would be weirder than I already am). Although if someone wrote a SMASH hit song about me, well, I wouldn't complain, 'cause that would be slightly greater than awesome. 

Someday, I want my life to "[constitute] a great success," but then again what counts as a great success? What does it mean to be successful? 

For me, right now, being a success means making A's and takin' names. But what will being a success mean in 5 years from now? in 10? 

Literally, (but not actually) every definition of success mentions the word wealth: "the attainment of wealth, position, honors...""success... measured by attainment of goals [and] wealth..." 

So basically dictionary.com is saying that in order to be a SMASH hit on one of those fancy satellite stations, you have to have money, and lots of it. You have to be wealth-yyy. 

And as a somewhat broke college student, I beg disagree. 

Success isn't measured by how big (or in my case small) the number in your bank account is. It's measured by your passions. Not just simple goals on a to-do list, but your dreams. It's measured by your wants (no, I'm not talking about your want to that new JT CD), but by the BIG things you want to SEE HAPPEN in this WORLD and in your LIFE. 

I know what you're thinking.. "This kid right here, she is WERID... Her blog is about smashing stuff..." Hate to break it to you, but I'm not going to post videos of me smashing things... probably... 

I want this blog to constitute as a great success. Now, I don't know what a successful blog actually is, but as long as I love what I'm writing, and I'm passionate about this... then it's a success to me.

--- [sm]ASH

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