Saturday, April 13, 2013

Paint the town...


Earlier this week (I think it was Wednesday), I walked out to my car to drive to class, and a thin film of pollen coated my blue (now green) Ford Explorer. In Georgia spring doesn’t start on a day marked on your calendar, it starts the moment pollen paints the town yellow.


But spring isn’t the only season right now. It’s also allergy season (& baseball season, Go Braves!). So it’s eye-stinging, nose-sniffling, sneezing, throat-gunk-building, warm-weather that you can’t even enjoy because you feel like you might be dying a little on the inside – season. Yeah I’m not bitter at all. 

Back to what I think was Wednesday morning – I drove to campus, turned into my parking lot, and BAM there was to most beautiful parking space. It was right in the front, and was under a tree, so it would be in the shade. Wonderful-ness.

I went to class. And I had a really good day, except for the whole, ya know, I’m slightly dying from pollination overload here. Whatever – it’s fine – I’m winning at life today, I was early to all of my classes, I had time to eat breakfast, I hadn’t tripped (in front of anyone), and I had an amazing parking space.

So yeah – this girl’s a winner.

Or so I thought. My class ended early (win). So I took my sweet time walking back to my car, but as I approach it, something felt weird.

Maybe it’s that fact that my car usually isn’t blue(ish-green) with big white pok-a-dots. That’s right folks. I parked under a tree. And not just any tree, the tree where about 20 birds like to spend their day unloading all of the junk-in-their-trunks onto my trunk (and the rest of my car).

My car was plastered with bird poop and pollen.

And to make myself feel better, I google-image searched “bird poop on cars.” And I found these gems. My car was not nearly this bad, so I think I’m still winning at life.


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