Friday, April 12, 2013

Ice Cream and Cake and Cake

One of my brother's birthday's is in a few days, and we all know what that means... Ice Cream and Cake! So this morning was looking at cake recipes on Pinterest, but I have the new updated version of Pinterest which won't load any of the pins I click on! (lesson of the day: Don't update your Pinterest) So I decided to move on to bigger and better websites.

I was stumbling along (on, and I came across this picture:

And so I did what every American does when they come across something they find interesting and/or funny, I googled. 

I searched "weird Ben & Jerry's flavors," "funny Ben & Jerry's containers," and the like.. And boy did I hit the Jackpot. People have literally take time out of their life to create fake ice cream flavors.

As I looked through the ba-gillion different fake flavors a question popped into my mind (I accidentally typed pooped at first. I'm so very glad that a question didn't poop in my mind)

If there was an ice cream flavor about me what would it be? What if every person had their own personal ice cream flavor? 

That'd be cool. Ya know, if your in to that kind of stuff. 

So I took time out of my day to create some more ice cream flavors for some people you actually might have heard of. Enjoy. 

Question of the Day: If you had a flavor of ice cream named after you what would it be and why?
Leave your answer in a comment below!


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