Here's a children's poem that I wrote a few years back. Enjoy.
My Glasses
I don’t know where my glasses went
Oh where could they be?
What will I do without them?
It’s hard for me to see
I searched my entire bedroom
Looking with all of my might
I even glanced under my bed
But my glasses weren’t in sight
I searched in all of the kitchen drawers
In all of the cabinets too
But I still can’t find my glasses
Oh whatever will I do?
I searched inside of the bathroom
In the shower and under the sink
Where did I put my glasses?
I just need to think
I thought about them really hard
Raking through my brain
I don’t remember where I put them
Maybe I’m going insane
Finally I just gave up looking
And sat down on my bed
My mother will be mad I lost them
Tomorrow I might be dead
Oh… but wait silly me
My glasses were just on my head
And here are some old Buffy quotes:
Buffy: "...so then Kathy's like, 'It's share time.' And I'm like, 'Oh yeah? Share this!'"
Oz: "So, either you hit her, or you did your wacky mime routine for her."
Buffy: "Well, I didn't do either, actually. But she deserves it, don't you think?"
Oz: "Nobody deserves a mime, Buffy."
Buffy: "Well, I didn't do either, actually. But she deserves it, don't you think?"
Oz: "Nobody deserves a mime, Buffy."
Xander: "Its like theres a party in my eye socket and everyones invited!...i shouldn't be able to say words"
Buffy: "Does it ever get easy?"
Giles: "You mean life?"
Buffy: "Yeah. Does it get easy?"
Giles: "What do you want me to say?"
Buffy: "Lie to me."
Giles: "Yes, it's terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true, the bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after."
Buffy: "Liar."
Giles:"Why should someone want to harm Cordelia?"
Willow:"Maybe because they met her?"